My crazy cat stole my angels in the snow right off my blocking board, and I can't find it, sooooo, I have to put up a diff pic for my motiff number 21. I have looked and looked for the last week and a half, and I have absolutely no idea where it has gone to. Now I have to make another one, lol, crazyyyyy cattttttt!
This little motif is now number 21, and is made with dmc ecru, size 20, and lizbeth light pink size 20. the pattern is my own, and I am using this motif as the center for a doily I am making. I plan on making this motif in diff colors , and adding a simple edging for tree ornaments. here in this picture I have not blocked it, but you can see it lays nice and flat without blocking :) I haven't given it a name yet, but I will eventually.

a Give Away. She is giving away one of
her awesome Ceramic Shuttles. Click
on her name to take you there and check
it out!!
Ooh! I really like your motif! I can hardly wait to see how this doily develops!
ReplyDeleteI love that motif! Nice job!
ReplyDeleteIf you need another tatting perspective, let me know - I'd be happy to try out the pattern *hint, hint* LOL
It is going to be pretty! I am waiting!
ReplyDeleteFox : ))
Lovely motif and I like the colours.
Your cat and mine must have gone to Cat School together and learned the same pranks!
ReplyDeleteLet me work out a few kinks, I did write down everything I did, but it is a bit sloppy sofar, lots of starts and stops, and then i would LOVE to share it with you :)
ReplyDeleteI am going to make it a few more times just to see if I can get it in 2 rounds instead of 3 with the final edging on it I want, then I would love to put it out for testers :)
hint hint well taken, lol, Bree