Tuesday, May 3, 2011


weee, Tatman gets a shoutout on an etsy madness site, how fun :) 
go here to see the entire article.

This is the part of the post with Tatman in it

You will see this trend in the blogging world as well.  I was happy to find this blog called "1 Crafty Guy" where the blogger, Brett Lund, not only shows off his crafting skills, but is unafraid to tackle craft projects most men might avoid (glitter eggs, shrink art jewelry, and Cricut projects).  There are men who quilt,  men who knit, and men who make sew.  In fact, one of the most amazing tatters I've stumbled across is a dude!  He goes by Tat Man and he is a talented artisan and pattern designer.

Hooray for Tatman getting recognized :) more men should be recognized for non traditional men's crafts I say!

Happy Tatting All, Bree.

1 comment:

  1. Here, here. I 'adopted' Mark as a son some years ago after meeting up with him. GREAT guy with a wicked sense of humour too!!!


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