Thursday, July 5, 2012


Everyone at some point in time gets nervous or experiences a little bit of anxiety about something, that is normal. The feeling normally goes away, something is a problem in your life and it makes you a little uptight and anxious and you fret over it, and then you are done, some people are able to pass it off quickly, and some people it happens to maybe once or twice in a life time, when something is really serious.

I am one of those people, I get depressed about things, but I never get anxiety, but for the first time I can think of, through all the things I have been through, even when I was a teenager and lived on crackers and milk for 6 months ( the milk was bought for me) I never experienced this. Until now....

I am having anxiety, I can't get my mind off something, I am in tears, I am having a panic attack here and there that I am beginning to not be able to control, I am getting nauseous from it, etc. The situation going on in life at the moment, I would have shrugged off when I was younger, and really, I should be able to do it now, but I can't, I don't understand why it has me all twisted and in knots.....

I can now empathize and sympathize a tiny little bit with people who have chronic anxiety, and I am profoundly sorry you suffer your condition.


  1. My youngest daughter has suffered from severe anxiety and panic attacks for almost four years now. She's getting better, but it has been a tough time for her. I will keep you in my prayers and hope for better days.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear that Bree! I will pray for you and your situation. It breaks my heart to hear about things like this. I've never had a panic attack, but I know what it's like to have something bother you in that way. If you need someone to talk to, please consider me, I would be happy to listen and give you a virtual shoulder to cry on.

  3. Bree...I'm so sorry you're having these bouts with anxiety. I have been there and it's a real struggle. I was nearly paralyzed with it for 4 years after suffering a debilitating injury wherein I broke my hip and herniated several disks in my back. I was on lots of medication due to chronic, unending pain which led to acute depression. The anxiety came after I started all the meds. Things I wouldn't normally be anxious about suddenly overwhelmed me. Please see your health provider. There are good medicines out there. And, please know I pray God will ease your anxieties...that He'll hold you close so you know He IS there and it'll get better, even if it feels like it never will. May God bless you.

  4. I am sorry you are feeling down and I hope things will improve and you can go back to normal


  5. You are right it is a horrible thing to live with. I hope whatever you are going threw is over quickly so you can go onward.

  6. (((HUGS))) If there is anything that I can do to help or you need an ear to listen, I'm here for you, Sweetie.

    Stephanie Grace


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